
Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Fool's Journey

If one has any interest in the process of Tarot and archetypes, this is a great introduction to the Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey

Tarot is like Rorschach in many ways. As with Rorschach they are cards that have a commonly conceived symbolic relationship or dialogue with the reader in question. The archetypes and symbols are what speak to the reader and only as they are in the present. Based upon that, yes some possibilities can be be brought into the light and made fruitful discussion between the reader and the one being "read". It is not divination, only fruitful self-reflection and discovery. One can even begin to draw a connection between him or herself and the cards that commonly reoccur. For fate and chance have a hand in instructing us as well as the conscious and unconscious selves.

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