
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Some days, and others

Some days
I like to think
that the great rapture
might really just be
all the world awakening
and pushing their religious intolerant,
ones with goals and mantras of becoming a national religion
out into the wastelands.
That the spiritually understanding,
and those so scarred by the aforementioned intolerant
to abandon belief entirely
may go on with the healing of our fractured,
not fundamentalist world.

Other days
I like to consider
that people might govern themselves.
Democracy emerge more truly representative
of all her peoples:
transplanted or native stock. 
That just perhaps
such a rapture might also banish
leaders that feign service and their bed-fellows
lining their pockets in pursuit of false profit.
Of which the hidden human cost 
is everything.

This awaited rapture, being what it is; I suppose
it is alright to think and consider such things.
    Not that I would pass such judgment.

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