
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Beulah Crossing

Did I blink
or did the world wax
for an instant?

Briefest flicker,
dancing daughter of Beulah,
muse or mine emanation.

Strong, sabled spectres
many worlds apart
wrote a word.

And in a word
their worlds manifest,
writ into another.

One spectre 
whispered a portion
of that written:

"Unseemly, this doubt
thou rehabilitated kern;
spirit, vibrant and 'live.

In all things love.
Greet Death as Life.
Fate is not thy Destiny."

 Fading forms dark, vigilant.
United by vision and memory
recorded at Beulah crossing.

Muses and messengers.
  Such Vales 'twixt you and I
and eternity transcendent.

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